Know your keyboard shortcuts

Semakness | Saturday, April 30, 2011 | 0 comments

Keyboard shortcuts can make using your PC a heck of a lot quicker. Listed below are some of the essentials - note that a plus symbol (+) indicates striking keys simultaneously.

Universal shortcuts
Opens Start menu. You can also use CTRL + ESC
+ R Open Run dialog
+ E Open Windows Explorer
+ D Show desktop
+ L Lock computer
+ PAUSE or BREAK Load system properties
+ B Make the system tray active. Use Enter to simulate a double click, or use the arrow keys to select the icons
+ TAB Windows XP: Cycle forward through applications in the taskbar

Windows Vista: Cycle forward through Flip 3D

+ T cycles the taskbar forward in Vista
+ SHIFT + TAB Windows XP: Cycle backward through applications in the taskbar

Windows Vista: Cycle backward through Flip 3D

+ SHIFT + T cycles the taskbar backward in Vista
ALT + TAB Cycle forward in task switcher
ALT + SHIFT + TAB Cycle backward in task switcher
CTRL + ALT + DEL Bring up the Windows Security dialog, allowing you to log out, change password, lock the computer, shutdown or run the Task Manager
CTRL + SHIFT + ESC Load the Task Manager
PrintScreen Take a screenshot, and copy it to the clipboard. To retrieve it, you'll need to paste it into an imaging program like Paint and save it

Windows Vista Only
+ any number Hotkeys for the appropriate entry in the QuickLaunch bar. For example, + 1 will execute the first shortcut, + 2 the second, and so on.

File operations in Windows Explorer
CTRL + C Copy the file
CTRL + X Cut the file
CTRL + V Paste the file. If you previously performed the copy shortcut, the file will be copied to the chosen location. If you previously performed the cut shortcut, the file will be moved to the chosen location
CTRL + Z Undo the previous file operation
Holding CTRL when click dragging a file Upon release of mouse button, force the file to copy to the new location
Holding ALT when click dragging a file Upon release of mouse button, create a shortcut to the file in the new location
Holding SHIFT when click dragging a file Upon release of mouse button, force the file to move to the new location

ALT + double left click on icons
Load the properties dialog
SHIFT + DEL Delete file immediately, without sending it to the Recycle Bin.
SHIFT + arrow keys, or HOME/END Group select/deselect multiple sequential files
CTRL + left click Select/deselect multiple specific files
F2 Rename file
F3 Open search Explorer bar
F4 Go to address bar
F5 Refresh contents
Numpad * Expand entire selected folder tree
CTRL+ A Select all files in current window
or numpad + Expand current folder
or numpad - Collapse current folder
BACKSPACE Go up to parent folder

Shortcuts with text
CTRL + or Place the cursor at the beginning or the end of the current word.
CTRL + END Send the cursor to the end of the document
CTRL + HOME Send the cursor to the beginning of the document
Double click Quick select the clicked word
Triple click Quick select the clicked paragraph
SHIFT + arrows, HOME, END, PAGE UP or PAGE DOWN Select text

Navigation without a mouse
SHIFT + F10 Same as right clicking a file
TAB Navigate menu elements forward
SHIFT + TAB Navigate menu elements backward
ALT + F4 Close the current application
ALT + SPACEBAR Display application system menu
ALT + Underlined letter in menu Open that menu
SPACEBAR If a checkbox or radio box is selected, activates this. If a button is selected, clicks it
ENTER Click the default button (usually OK)

Equivalent to clicking the CANCEL button


About Semakness: My name is Semakness Fio . Known as Jack .I'm administrator of Semakness Technologies blog .This blog was opened for Tips and Tricks .